Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

General chair, scientific chair
  • Local chairs of PFIA 2015 in Rennes (T. Guyet, R. Quiniou).

  • Organization chair (T. Guyet) and program committee members (T. Guyet, R. Quiniou) of GAST workshop at EGC 2015 and at EGC 2016.

Member of the organizing committees
  • Organizer of the workshop "Data mining in industry: case study in embedded systems" at the IRISA Data Science fair (A. Termier).

Scientific events selection

Member of the conference program committees
  • Program committee members of EGC 2015 and 2016 (R. Quiniou, A. Termier).

  • Program committee member of IJCAI 2015 and 2016 (T. Guyet).

  • Program committee member of KR 2016 (T. Guyet).

  • Program committee member of DSAA 2015 (A. Termier)

  • Program committee member of ICDM 2015 (A. Termier)

  • Program committee member of ECML/PKDD 2015 (A. Termier)

  • Program committee member of KDD 2016 (A. Termier)


Member of the editorial boards
  • Members of the editorial board of RIA (Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle) (T. Guyet).

Reviewer - Reviewing activities
  • Journal of Biomedical Informatics (T. Guyet).

  • ACM Computing Surveys (T. Guyet).

  • Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (A. Termier)

  • The Very Large DataBases journal (A. Termier)

Invited talks

  • "Intelligence articielle et Fouille de données: questions ouvertes et perspectives pour les thématiques des JFPDA", JFPDA conference, july 2015: T. Guyet.

  • "Pattern mining with ASP", LIFO, Orléans, october 2015: T. Guyet

  • "Intelligence articielle et Fouille de données", I-Cube, Strasbourg, november 2015: T. Guyet

  • "Pattern mining for execution traces: a report", GREY, Caen, February 2015: A. Termier

Leadership within the scientific community

  • Representative of Inria for the "e-Agriculture" program, which goal is to organize further governmental actions to develop numerical agriculture: A. Termier

  • Co-representative of Inria, with E. Prados, in the Transition2 action undertaken with the FING: A. Termier

  • Member of the AFIA board, treasurer (since october 2011): T. Guyet.

Scientific expertise

  • Evaluation of a project proposal for the University of Padova: A. Termier

  • Evaluation of a CIFRE PhD proposal for the ANRT: A. Termier

  • Evaluation of a project proposal for the ANR: R. Quiniou

Research administration

  • Member of INRA CEI (Engineers Evaluation Committee): T. Guyet.